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TOYS | 10% | 1-31 MAY

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1 - 31 MAY


1 - 31 MAY


Monica's room

Hi Monica, in this section we will add the products that we consider suitable for your child's room.

The bed is exactly 195cm long, check the distance between walls to be able to take it out if you need it. Do not discount the baseboard because it goes over it, and the space is so tight!

The desk is evolutionary and has 3 positions. The one in the picture, an inclined one in a small position like a drawing table and a higher one of normal height.

The shelf is used to store the little girl's things and we have put a drawer. This shelf is customizable. If you enter the product you will see the multitude of options. If you are interested I can help you add it to your shopping list or gift list.

If you would like to take advantage of your dresser, you can put it where the desk and on the shelf remove the drawer and put a desk accessory, which you can put it at the level you want every 5 cm as the child grows. I put all these accessories for you to see.

The ones you consider appropriate you can add them yourself to the list of gifts.

Hope you like the room and enjoy the design!
